Is 11pm an evening?

Time of Day Definitions

  • Noon is at 12:00 PM.
  • Afternoon is from 12:01 PM to around 5:00 PM.
  • Evening is from 5:01 PM to 8 PM, or around sunset.
  • Night is from sunset to sunrise, so from 8:01 PM until 5:59 AM.

Late Evening

  • Late evening is from 9:00 PM to 11:00 PM.

12 AM and 12 PM

  • 12:00 AM is the start of the next day.
  • The previous day ended at 11:59:59 PM.

Morning Time

  • Morning time is the period between dawn and noon.

Afternoon Related Terms

  • Afternoon shift refers to any shift ending after 6 PM and at or before midnight.
  • Another word for afternoon is p.m.

Writing Time

  • Write 10 AM as lowercase "a.m.".

This subway train will leave daily at 10:05 a.m. After 10:00 p.m. I really need to sleep.

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