Are Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp friends?

Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt Friendship

Their friendship began in the 1990s as they pursued acting careers.

Age Difference Between Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio

DiCaprio turned 18 during a movie shoot, and Depp, who is 12 years older, had a little brother/big brother relationship with him.

Johnny Depp’s Career and Friendship

In 2012, Depp was one of the world’s highest-paid actors. He is friends with Marilyn Manson and they have supported each other for years.

Johnny Depp’s Teeth

There is speculation about Depp’s bad teeth without a definitive explanation. He has noticeable gold veneers.

Leonardo DiCaprio in "Titanic"

DiCaprio was 22 when filming "Titanic" alongside Kate Winslet, who was 21.

Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow

Depp continues to embody the character of Captain Jack Sparrow and visits hospitals to surprise children.

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