What ZZZ means?

Crying Emoji and Its Meaning

  • Crying Emoji Explanation: You’ll likely reach for the crying face emoji, which features a single tear rolling down a sad, mildly agonized face. This emoji is used not only to express one’s own emotional state, but to empathize with others.

Clutch PUBG Explanation

  • Clutch in PUBG: A clutch is performed when your all teammates are knocked or killed and you have to single-handedly face a squad. You can use your IQ and tactics like taking them one by one, using frags and Mollys to take them out and clutch the game.

Gaming Terminology in PUBG

  • 1 HP and Other Terms:
    • #1 OP: OP means overpowered. This phrase is commonly used when a player overpowers the enemy with relative ease.
    • #6 HP: Hitpoints or Health Points is the amount of health one has and denotes the amount of damage that can be max taken by the player.
    • #4 FTW: FTW means For The Win. It is a way to motivate teammates and strive for victory.

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