Come è fatta la trottola?

Top 3 Greatest Films of All Time

  • Il Padrino (1972)
  • I predatori dell’arca perduta (1981)
  • L’Impero colpisce ancora (1980)

Top 7 Films to Watch in a Lifetime

  1. Quarto potere (Orson Welles, 1941)
  2. Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942)
  3. Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976)
  4. Via col Vento (Victor Fleming, 1939)
  5. Colazione da Tiffany (Blake Edwards, 1961)
  6. Io & Annie (Woody Allen, 1977)
  7. 2001: Odissea nello spazio / La dolce vita (Federico Fellini, 1960)

Analysis of Interstellar

Interstellar is a science fiction, adventure, drama, and mystery film from 2014. Directed by Christopher Nolan, the movie stars Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway.

Box Office Success of Interstellar

Interstellar grossed $675,120,017 globally. The film, starring Mann, was a prequel to the comic book series.

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