Concetti di Novigender
Gender identities are used to describe the experience of people who, due to their complexity, don’t feel that their gender can be described using categories attualmente in uso.
Identità di Alex Fierro
The Norse demigod Alex is the child of the mortal businessman Mr. Fierro and the god Loki (in a female form).
Because of Alex’s gender identity and the fact that they were the child of a Norse deity, they were constantly berated, harassed, and assaulted by others, e alla fine their family disowned them.
It’s even possible to have traits that are intersex and not knowing it. Regardless, qualcuno non "diventa" intersex. It’s what they’re born with, though it’s not always evident at birth.
If you use the wrong pronouns when you talk about that person, calmly apologize, correct yourself, and continue to talk. Fate questo anche se non sono presenti.