Come si leggono le lettere dell’alfabeto?

Italian Linguistic Elements

  • Albero
  • B, b bi /b/ boat
  • C, c ci /tʃ/, /k/ cane
  • D, d è il simbolo del delfino /d/
  • Elefante
  • F, f effe fiore /f/
  • G, g gi /ɡ/, /dʒ/ gatto

Italian Word Length

The word "rapidamente" is the longest non-scientific word in Italian with 26 letters. It is a superlative of "precipitevolmente" and an adverb meaning "precipitous" or "with excessive speed."

Longest Italian Phrase

The longest Italian phrase is "Petrino: It is obvious that it was done extremely quickly." The word "precipitevolmente" means "extremely fast" in a comical sense.

Most Significant Italian Word

The word "scegliere" (to choose) is considered one of the most significant words in Italian.

Difficult Italian Words to Pronounce

  • pericoloso: serious and irreparable damage
  • Fixa: a leather strip for joining two separate parts of an object
  • inquietante: unsettling
  • archiviare: to think deeply to find something
  • Anticipo: proceeding in the opposite direction
  • arrogante: arrogant
  • Sacrificante: sacrificing
  • Subitanea: sudden
  • Preciso: precise


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia is an irrational and uncontrollable fear of long words, perceived as a real danger by those affected.

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