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Italian Words Starting with "GE"

Start with the word "ge": Gel, geco, gela, geli, gelò, gema, geme, gemé, gemi, gemo, gene, geni, gesù, gebel, gechi, gelai, gelsi, gelso, gemei, gemma, gemme, gemmi, gemmo, gemmò, genia, genie, genio, genoa, gente, genti, geode, geodi, geova, gergo, gerla, gerle, gerli, gerlo, germe, germi, gessa, gessi, gesso, gessò

Words Beginning with "CHE"

All words beginning with "CHE" include words like "chef", "cheap", "chemio", "cheppì", "cheque", "cheddar", "chelati", "chelone", "cheppia" and "cheripi".

Importance of Food for Italians Starting with "CHI"

26.7% find the connection to food amusing as eating is part of their way of spending time together. For 17.9%, food is also an identity factor and source of pride. Food helps Italians lead a positive life, relate well with others, and feel part of a community.

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