Can Aquaman beat Flash?

Aquaman vs. The Flash

Can Aquaman beat The Flash? Only if the battle is under water. Aquaman is strongest of all when under water, even flash can’t move faster than aquaman. But if they’re fighting on the surface then it’s an easy win for Flash.

The Flash vs. Superman

In a straight-out race, Flash would win against Superman, albeit closely. When they raced in the comics, sometimes Flash won, and sometimes it was tied, but Superman never bested him.

The Flashes

In Superman & Batman: Generations 2, three different Flashes appear: Wally West as Kid Flash in 1964, Wally’s cousin Carrie as Kid Flash in 1986, and Jay West, the son of Wally and his wife Magda, as the fifth Flash in 2008.

Death and Resurrection of Bart Allen

Bart was killed by the Rogues during Full Throttle but resurrected as Kid Flash again during Final Crisis. He has been working alongside the other three Flashes since the events of The Flash: Rebirth.

Wally West’s Achievements

Wally defeated the Black Flash by running through time and to the end of the universe and time itself. He could run across the world seven times in a second as Kid Flash and outraced the implosion of the universe.

The Mobius Chair and Wally West

After seeing his kids safely returned, Wally realizes that the chair was actually touched by the mysterious force, granting it its power.

Superman and the Speed Force

Superman does not have said gene, so he can’t access the speed force.

The Strongest Flash

Wally West is irrefutably the most powerful Flash, by a long shot. Wally carried the mantle from 1986 to the late 2000s. He discovered the speed force, became a part of the speed force itself, and created the powers The Flash is most famous for.

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