Che tipo di università è la Luiss?


Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli La Luiss, also known as Luiss, is an autonomous university founded between 1974 and 1978 from a pre-existing Roman institution, Pro Deo. The university focuses on teaching social sciences, particularly law, economics, management, finance, and political science.


Who are the owners of Luiss?


Luiss in Rome

The Luiss campus is located in a central area of Rome, close to historic neighborhoods such as Parioli and Trieste. The main offices, administrative and logistical services, the Rectorate, the School of Journalism, the Business School, and Post Lauream are situated at Viale Pola 12.


Luiss Campuses

The Viale Romania, 32 campus hosts administrative offices, teaching and research activities of the Department of Business and Management, the Department of Economics and Finance, and the Department of Political Science at Luiss.

Admissions Testing

When are Luiss admissions tests held?

The entrance exam, open to all students completing their final year of high school and obtaining their diploma in the summer, will take place online between the 10th and the dates and times specified in the official announcement.

2020 Test Dates

Luiss Admission Test Dates 2020

The admission test for Bachelor’s and Master’s Single Cycle Degree Courses for the 2020-2021 academic year took place on Thursday at 15:00 in Rome and 25 other Italian cities.


Where is university less expensive?

The University of Bari Aldo Moro is the cheapest in Italy, followed by the Politecnico di Bari. For example, humanities or technical degrees in Southern Italy are more affordable than a Medicine degree in Milan.

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