Chi diceva che il Sole girava intorno alla Terra?

Niccolò Copernico

Niccolò Copernico died in 1543 and wrote the book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres).

Rotazione e Orbite Celesti

  • Rotazione Oraria e Antioraria:
    A clockwise turn is a turn from left to right.
  • Esclusione di Venere:
    Venus is the only planet that orbits the sun clockwise.
  • Velocità di Rotazione Terrestre:
    In almost 24 hours, the Earth rotates around its axis at 1670 km/h.

Orbite Lunari

  • Orbita e Rotazione Lunare:
    The Moon rotates on its axis in 27 days, 7 hours, and 43 minutes, taking the same time to orbit around Earth.
  • Orbita Intorno al Baricentro:
    The Moon and the Earth orbit around their barycenter, about 4,600 km away.

Esplorazione Lunare

  • Caratteristiche Lunari:
    Mare Moscoviense, Mare Ingenii, and hidden parts of Mare Orientale and Mare Australe are among the smaller seas on the Moon.
    Apollo crater has a diameter of 520 km.

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