Come diventare un analista tecnico?

Becoming a Technical Analyst

To become a technical analyst, it is necessary to complete a degree course in finance, accounting, or a related discipline, and consider the possibility of pursuing postgraduate training in business or finance, such as an MBA.

Salary Calculation

  • How to calculate net from gross salary:
    1. The base for this is the gross salary (RAL).
    2. Pension and welfare contributions are deducted.
    3. Income tax must be subtracted from the remaining amount.
    4. Deductions are added, which cannot exceed the income tax.

Living on a Tight Budget

  • Is it possible to live well with 100 euros per month?
    • Philippines: Cebu – You can live in a beautiful apartment with 100 euros per month.
  • Where to live affordably near the sea?
    • Belize, in the Caribbean: It is possible to find a house near the sea for 200 euros per month in a solid and renowned economic area.
  • Countries where you can live better on a budget:
    1. The Philippines – Islands in Southeast Asia known for their beauty and low cost of living.
    2. Belgium
    3. Cyprus Islands
    4. Malta

Affordable Living Destinations

Nepal ranks first in our list of the best places to live reasonably, ideal for hiking enthusiasts: Renting a studio outside the city center costs €45 and a dinner for two costs €7 at a restaurant.

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