Do tennis players get fined for breaking racquets?

WTA Rules on Fine for Breaking a Racket

On the WTA side, players can be fined up to $2500 for breaking a racket. The WTA rulebook defines abuse of racquets or equipment as intentionally, dangerously, and violently hitting the net, court, umpire’s chair, or other fixture during a match out of anger.

Federer’s Warning at the French Open

When the 39-year-old Federer drew a time violation at the French Open for not playing fast enough, he protested to the chair umpire and his opponent, Marin Cilic. The warning in the second set came after Cilic twice complained that Federer wasn’t getting ready to receive serve quickly enough.

Tennis Rules and Violations

  • A player can’t touch the ball with anything other than his/her racket during play.
  • Under the time-limit rule, players are allotted 25 seconds between points.
  • A foot fault occurs when a server’s foot touches any part of the baseline during the serving motion.

Fastest Serve Record by Samuel Groth

The fastest tennis serve on record is held by Australian tennis player Samuel Groth, reaching 263 kph/163.4 mph (Source: Guinness World Records).

Types of Tennis Courts

There are four main types of surface for tennis courts:

  1. Grass
  2. Clay
  3. Hard
  4. Artificial grass

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