Does he have or do he have?

Explanation of "Have" and "Has" usage in Italian

"Does he have" è la forma corretta.
Descrizione delle parole: HAVE is the VERB root and is usually used with the PRONOUNS I/You/We/Ye/They and PLURAL NOUNS.
In genere, il termine "avere" è un verbo presente.
In combination with the pronouns He/She, It/Who, and singular nouns, has is used.

Correct Usage of "Do" and "Does"
In questioni che iniziano con "Do" or "Does", l’uso di "has" è grammaticalmente inappropriato.
The conjugation of the verb "do" in these kinds of questions depends on whether the noun is in the first, second or third person (e.g., Do I, Do you, or Does he).

Comparison Table
Tabella di comparazione.
Today, Akira has submitted the university project.
In qualsiasi modo, devo consegnare il progetto entro oggi.

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