How can I do volleys at home?

Chip and Charge

How to beat a chip and charge in tennis?

Bunt in Tennis

Definition: To use the power of the opponent’s shot and hit it back with a short swing.


Definition: A shot hit with a lot of topspin that crosses the net at an extremely high point and comes down near the baseline.


Definition: Occurs when the score is tied at 40-40, and one player/team needs to win two consecutive points to win the game.

Pusher in Tennis

Definition: A defensive player in tennis who focuses on returning shots without going for winners, often employing psychological tactics.

Djokovic Player Profile

  • Name: Novak Djokovic
  • Country: Serbia and Montenegro (2003–2006), Serbia (2006–present)
  • Residence: Monte Carlo, Monaco
  • Born: 22 May 1987 in Belgrade, Serbia
  • Height: 1.88 m (6 ft 2 in)

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