How did Wanda know Pietro died?

Wanda’s Connection to Pietro and Vision

Wanda knew because one she was probably told by Clint or the other Avengers or saw him on the “lifeboats that SHIELD sent to Sokoiva.” Before then I think with her telepathic abilities she was sort of telepathically connected to Pietro and so felt it when that link went quiet because he died.

The Scarlet Witch and Vision Encounter

After interacting with the Infinity Stone, Wanda sees a vision of the Scarlet Witch in Strucker’s lab.

Character Details

Pietro Maximoff: Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver, was a superhuman Sokovian citizen who possessed superhuman speed, reflexes, and accelerated perception. He was the older twin brother of Wanda Maximoff.

Vision’s Age: Vision (3 years old) Last but not least, Vision becomes the youngest character in the MCU among other characters. He appears in Avengers: Age of Ultron for the first time because of the power of one of the Infinity Stones which is Mind Stone.

Scarlet Witch and Vision’s Meeting

Scarlet Witch and Vision met while pursuing a higher calling with the Avengers, AKA Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. While Wanda joined the team after having been a terrorist with the Brotherhood of Mutants, the synthetic Vision joined after he was created to destroy the Avengers by their enemy Ultron.

Wanda’s Age

This makes Wanda 28 years old when she was snapped out of existence in Avengers: Infinity War and while five years have passed, she maintained that age when she was resurrected in Avengers: Endgame and several weeks later in WandaVision. Given this new information, the character was around 27 during Civil War.

Black Widow’s Relationship

As her Red Room training progressed, Black Widow met Alexei Shostakov, a renowned Russian test pilot, whom the KGB had arranged for her to marry.

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