How do I create a PUT request?

HTTP Methods in API Development

Per esempio: Risposta: In the event that a PUT request succinctly creates a new resource, the server notifies the user by sending a response called 201(Created).

Difference Between POST and GET Methods

In HTTP protocol, the GET and POST methods can be used to send data from the client to the server.

La principale differenza tra le metodi GET e POST è che la prima accetta un parameter di richiesta appendato in URL string, mentre la seconda accetta un parameter di richiesta appendato in message body.

Purpose of POST in API

POST requests are used in web services to send data to the API server in order to create or update a resource.

When entering data into a form and pressing the "Send" button, the data is inserted into the body of the request response and transmitted to the server.

Logout in API

Any user-initiated actions (e.g., a user clicks "Log out") should use the POST method; GET can only be used for application-initiated logouts.

Access Method

Il metodo di accesso all’API è GET.

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