How do I find out what font is used in a picture in Photoshop?

Identifying Fonts in Adobe Photoshop

To identify any font using Adobe Photoshop, make sure you have Match Font tool, which is available on Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 and further updates. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Type > Match Font in the menu.
  2. A capture box will be overlaid over the font in the image file.
  3. Check the box that says Show fonts available to sync from Typekit.

Finding Fonts with WhatTheFont Mobile App

To find a font from a logo or any other text in real life, you can use the free WhatTheFont Mobile app. Here’s how:

  1. Launch the app.
  2. Take a photo of the text you want to identify.
  3. The app will prompt you to crop the photo and identify each character.

Downloading Google Fonts

If you want to download fonts from Google Fonts, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Google Fonts website.
  2. Click on the font you want to install.
  3. Open the drawer at the bottom of the screen and click the "Download" icon to save the font as a zip drive.

Font Information

  • Is Dafont Safe?: Yes, Dafont is generally safe to use. Ensure you download fonts from reputable sources.
  • Netflix Font: Netflix uses the font ‘Graphique Pro’ for its branding.
  • Tommyinnit Font: The font used for Tommyinnit is "Dosis Bold."
  • Amazon Font: Amazon uses the font ‘Amazon Ember’ as its master brand font for all products and services.

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