Subscriptions on Twitch in Southeast Asia
Unfortunately, there is no way to see who is subscribed to you on Twitch directly. Instead, you’ll need to download the CSV file that is provided to you within your Channel Analytics page.
Prices and Languages
Subscriptions in the Philippines have gone down to just 100 pesos, while Malaysian subs have gone from RM 20.99 to RM 7.99. If you speak Català, Українська, मानक हिन्दी, بهاس ملايو, Bahasa Indonesia, or Tagalog, you can now select these languages from your Live Dashboard, and viewers can now filter for them using Tags!
Twitch as a Video-Streaming Platform
Twitch is a video-streaming platform that offers a fun, social way to watch people play games. Through the Twitch app (and online at, gamers who broadcast their matches (known as streamers) play their favorite titles while providing running commentary on the action.