How do I stop Discord AFK?

How to Set AFK Status in Discord:

If you’re away from Discord, it’ll set you to idle in around 5 minutes. To remove it, just head back to Discord and start talking and DM’ing people again.

Adding AFK Channel on Discord:

  1. Log into your Discord server.
  2. Select the server at the top to access the Server Settings menu.
  3. Create a channel – Set text or voice and name it AFK or something meaningful.
  4. Save the new channel.
  5. Under Overview, select your new AFK Channel from the center pane.

Understanding Popular Chat Acronyms:

Words such as LOL (laugh out loud), LMAO, and LMFAO make up netspeak or chatspeak – commonly used on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Common Chat Acronyms:

  • LOL: Laugh Out Loud
  • LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off
  • LMFAO: Laughing My Fucking Ass Off
  • JK: Just Kidding
  • XD: Laugh Expression with Closed Eyes and Open Mouth

Funny Emoji Interpretations:

  • XD: An emoticon representing happiness or laughter.
  • Zzz emoji: Used to symbolize sleeping or the sound of snoring.

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