How do I use Strcmp?

Syntax for strcmp function

Syntax: int strcmp (const char* str1, const char* str2);
The strcmp() function is used to compare two strings str1 and str2. If two strings are the same, strcmp() returns 0, otherwise, it returns a non-zero value. This function compares strings character by character using the ASCII value of the characters.

Standard Library for Input/Output Operations

Which standard C library is used for input output operations?
Most of the C file input/output functions are defined in (or in the C++ header cstdio, which contains the standard C functionality but in the std namespace).

Setting Characters in a String

Which of the following function sets first n characters of a string to a given character?

b. strnset()
c. strset()
d. strcset()
Answer: strnset()

Strcasestr Return Value

What does strcasestr return?
Upon successful completion, strcasestr() shall return a pointer to the located string or a null pointer if the string is not found. If s2 points to a string with zero length, the function shall return s1.

The strlwr() Function

What is strlwr in C?

The strlwr() function in C is a built-in function used to convert a given string into lowercase.

Syntax: char *strlwr(char *str);
Parameter: str – Represents the given string that needs to be converted into lowercase.

Case Sensitivity in strchr

Is strchr case sensitive?

The strchr() function searches for the first occurrence of a string inside another string and is case-sensitive. This function is binary-safe.

PHP Function strstr

What is strstr in PHP?

The strstr() function is a built-in function in PHP that searches for the first occurrence of a string inside another string. It displays the portion of the latter starting from the first occurrence of the former in the latter (before if specified). This function is case-sensitive.

Handling Not Found Strings in strstr

Riguardo a questo, what does strstr return if not found?
Upon successful completion, strstr() shall return a pointer to the located string or a null pointer if the string is not found.

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