How do you spell 18?

Number Representation

  • A cardinal number, ten plus eight. A symbol for this number, such as 18 or XVIII. How do you write 26? 26 words are written as Twenty Six.

Time Terminology

  • What is the name of a millennium? millenia, a millennium. The 21st century and 3rd millennium began, even though many popular celebrations marked the start of 2000. What is the name for a centenary? A person who reaches one hundred years or more is called a centenarian. The term "centenarian" can be used to describe someone who is 100 or older.

Anniversary Naming

  • What is the name for a 150th anniversary? The sesquicentennial is defined as a 150th anniversary or celebration of it. New terms for the sesquicentennial Learn More About the Sesquicentennial with Example Sentences.

Historical Events

  • What occurred in the first year? The life of Jesus Christ is used to define year zero. According to most scholars, Jesus Christ was born between 6 and 4 B.C. and died between 30 and 36 A.D. (Anno Domini, in Latin, meaning "in the year of the Lord").

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