How old is Peter Parker after the snap?

Spider-Man: Far From Home Timeline
Time becomes complicated after Holland’s first solo outing as Spider-Man due to the events of Avengers: Endgame.

Ages of Bruce Banner and The Hulk
Bruce Banner is 49 years old, while the Hulk, his alter ego, is only 13.

Monica Rambeau’s Powers
Monica Rambeau gained superpowers after being bombarded by extradimensional energy.

Pietro Maximoff’s Return
Marvel made Pietro relevant again with a fake-out in WandaVision without using Quicksilver.

Pietro’s Look in WandaVision
Pietro suggests that his changed appearance is Wanda’s doing in WandaVision.

Scarlet Witch’s Accent and Sokovian Language
Wanda speaks with an American accent in the Marvel show, ditching the Sokovian accent.

In Sokovia, the official language is the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet, with recognized regional languages being Russian and Serbian.

In the comics, Wanda’s sons were not as "real" as they are on the show.

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