Is lying a sin?

Jealousy and Envy in Christianity

One of the Ten Commandments is "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour"; for this reason, lying is generally considered a sin in Christianity. By the Bible, Envy is a sin. It says nothing of jealousy. A surprising amount of people can’t grasp the difference.

View on Sloth as a Sin

Despite her beauty, her husband never opens his eyes. He doesn’t notice his gorgeous wife. According to many theologians, this is why sloth is the worst of the seven sins. While the other sins grab at life and gobble it up, sloth just doesn’t care.

Meliodas and the Ten Commandments

Zeldris recalls what Meliodas told him when he convinced him to help him become the Demon King: that Gelda is still alive, and how he re-sealed her twelve years ago when she wanted to die. There are ten Commandments in total, each with a unique curse of absolute power. After becoming the new Demon King and sacrificing his godly power, Meliodas has destroyed all of the Commandments.

Power Levels in Nanatsu no Taizai

With the "Demon Mark," Meliodas’ power level is at 56,000. After his revival, his ‘normal’ power level was at 60,000, and in Assault Mode, it is at 142,000. We also know that Meliodas is the second strongest from the Demon Realm. Mael is also known as the strongest warrior from the Celestial Realm.

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