Is there an ally flag?

The Straight Ally flag uses the black-white "colors" of the heterosexual flag, with a big rainbow-colored "A" for "Ally" to show that it supports the Gay Pride/Equal Marriage movement straight.

The most common definition for ALI on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok is "Friend (from Ally)."

  • Agender: may not identify with a specific gender or may have no gender.
  • Androgynous
  • Bigender
  • Cigender
  • Gender-expansion
  • Genderless

In India, the role of the third gender is institutionalized as hijra, meaning eunuch or transvestite. Although hijras are neither male nor female, they have components of both sexes. As devotees of the Mother Goddess Bahuchara Mata, their sacred powers depend on their asexuality. Many hijras are actually prostitutes.

A category recognized in societies that acknowledge four or more genders, neither cis male nor cis female. In these societies, trans individuals are often considered a third or fourth gender.

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