Is VMware Fusion free for Mac?

VMware Fusion Player 12 Free for Personal Use on Mac

VMware Fusion Player 12 is now free for personal use on the Mac! The new version includes macOS Big Sur support for host and guest.

Parallels vs. VMware Fusion

Parallels wins, and wins by a big margin. Overall, it beats VMWare by between 5 percent and a whopping 127 percent, depending on the task. For major operating systems, Parallels runs on average about 43 percent faster with Windows 7, and about 30 percent faster with Windows XP.

Running Windows on M1 Mac

One thing that’s getting lost in the transition to M1 is Boot Camp, a tool that allowed you to install and run Windows on a separate partition of your Mac’s hard drive. And out of the box, M1 Macs can run the latest version of CrossOver, so Windows apps are on the table.

Parallels and Ubuntu for Mac M1

In fact Parallels claims that Windows starts-up 33% faster on an M1 Mac, performs 20% better at handling Windows 10 disk space, 25% faster 2D graphics handling and 28% faster DirectX processing which improves the speed and responsiveness of Windows games on a Mac.

Parallels Desktop Safety for Mac M1

With its lower pricing, Parallels Desktop remains one of the best options for Mac users – especially M1 users – who need to run Windows software on their Mac.

Running Ubuntu on M1 Mac

Multipass, the quickest way to run Linux cross-platform, received an update last week allowing M1 users to run Ubuntu VMs with minimal set-up. Canonical, Ubuntu’s publisher, announced today “the quickest way” to run Linux cross-platforms on M1 Macs. With Multipass, users can launch a virtual machine image with one command and have Linux running on an M1 Mac in as little as 20 seconds.

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