Qual è lo stipendio più alto in Italia?

Professions and Salaries in Italy

  • Notary: 265,000 euros annually.
  • Doctor: 75,000 euros, 113,000 with specialization.
  • Airline Pilot: 74,400 euros, ranging from 46,800 to 218,000.
  • Pharmacy Owner: 60,000-120,000 euros.
  • Web Marketing Manager: average 57,000 euros.

Salaries in Specific Professions

  • Lawyer: Around 40,180 euros per year.
  • Architect: Monthly salary starts from 800 to 1000 euros, potentially up to 1300 euros with experience.

Least Paid Professions

Among the least paid jobs in Italy are those in hotel services like waiters, dishwashers, baristas, and porters.

Marketing Industry Salaries

Marketing assistants in Italy earn an average of €15,600 per year or €8 per hour. Entry-level positions can start at €7,800 annually, while experienced workers may earn up to €29,775.

Lowest Paid Job Worldwide

The lowest worldwide salaries are found among textile and footwear workers, particularly in prolonged hours and unhealthy conditions.

Most In-Demand Professions

The top 5 most sought-after professions in 2022 for temporary work are:

  1. Picker (and Packer) for Dark Stores
  2. Logistics Managers
  3. Waiters
  4. Remote Contact Center Operators
  5. Sustainability Experts/Accountants

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