Quanti soldi ci vogliono per l’Erasmus?

Erasmus Scholarship Amounts

  • Gruppo 1: €300 monthly
  • Gruppo 2 and 3: €250 monthly

Who Funds Erasmus?

The student participating in the Erasmus project is entitled to the Erasmus scholarship, which includes a contribution from the European Commission and a supplement from the Italian university where they are enrolled. The contribution is approximately €250 per month, varying from university to university, plus an additional one-time contribution.

Erasmus Costs in Specific Countries

  • Spain: Madrid and Barcelona host some of the best European universities with registration fees below €50. Student accommodation costs are among the cheapest in Europe, ranging from €200-€400 per month.

  • United States: Consider the Exchange Diploma program if you aim to obtain a diploma. The fees for traditional education in the U.S. are as follows:

    • Second semester of studies: €11,290
    • Academic year: €11,990
  • France: The Erasmus scholarship is fixed at €230 per month in France, with the possibility of receiving an additional €100 per month through CAF, a housing subsidy.

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