Quanto bisogna studiare per diventare anestesista?

Requirements to Become a Specialist Doctor in Italy

  • Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (5 years)
  • Scuola di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione e Terapia del Dolore (4 years)

Earnings in Oncology

  • Oncologist’s salary ranges:
    • Mid-career: €81,300
    • Experienced: €127,500
    • Late-career: €173,500

Earnings and Training for Medical Specialization in Italy

  • Years of study to become anesthetist: 12 years
    • 4 years of university education
    • 4 years of medical school
    • 4 years of residency program for anesthetists

Highest Paying Jobs in Italy

  • Notary: €265,000 gross annually

Monthly Earnings of Surgeons

  • Average Surgeon’s salary: €125,000 gross annually
    • Net monthly income: €5,350
  • Salary Variations:
    • Neurosurgeon: €175,000/year (+40%)
    • Thoracic Surgeon: €172,500/year (+38%)

Net Earnings of General Practitioners

  • Average General Practitioner’s salary: €105,000 gross annually
    • Net monthly income: €4,600

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