Quanto guadagna un ingegnere in costruzione?

Salary Comparison for Engineers in Italy

  • Edile Engineer

    • Average Salary: €19,725 per year
    • Hourly Wage: €10.12
    • Experienced: up to €35,000 annually
    • Entry-level: €9,600 per year
  • Informatico Engineer

    • Average Salary: €11,625 per year
    • Hourly Wage: €5.96
    • Experienced: up to €30,800 annually
    • Entry-level: €8,400 per year
  • Neolaureato Engineer

    • Average Salary: €26,500 per year
    • Hourly Wage: €13.59
    • Experienced: up to €60,000 annually
    • Entry-level: €25,000 per year

Career Opportunities after Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s Degree

  • Industry sectors such as mechanical and manufacturing industries, designing, production, installation, testing, and managing machines, transportation means, production lines, facilities, and complex systems, among others.

Master’s Degree Options for Civil Engineers

  • A graduate in civil, construction, and environmental engineering can pursue a master’s degree in civil, construction, or environmental engineering or a master’s degree in engineering for environmental and territorial protection.

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