Quanto guadagna un laureato in economia in Svizzera?

Overview of Employment Statistics

  • Placement Rate: 94.6% of Mepin graduates are employed within 2.3 months.
  • Top Sectors: Majority work in Switzerland (44%), especially in banking/finance or public administration.
  • Average Salary: Around 60,000 Swiss francs.

Salary Insights for Economists

  • Salary Range: Economists earn between 1,600.99 € to 4,707.09 € per month in 2021.

Employment Trends for Different Majors

  • Employment Rate for Modern Philology: 83.2% employed within 5 years after graduation.
  • Employment Rate for Ancient Philology: 86.2% employed within 5 years after graduation.

Analysis of Unused Degrees

  • Unemployment Rates: Highest for Psychology (18%) and Literature (15%) graduates.

Overall Graduate Employment Stats

  • Employment Rates: After 5 years, employment rates are at 88.6% for first-level graduates and 85.5% for second-level graduates.
  • Geographic Disparities: Higher graduate percentages in the North (21.3%) and Center (24.2%) compared to the South (16.2%).

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