Quanto si guadagna da Deliveroo?

Pay and Earnings with Deliveroo

According to the national collective labor agreement (CCNL), Deliveroo offers €10 per hour as the minimum wage for deliveries. They also provide a bonus system with a reward of €600 for 2000 deliveries in a year. The average compensation for full-time riders is around €840 per month, and for part-time riders, it’s approximately €350 per month. The payment process with Deliveroo involves methods such as PayPal, debit card, and Apple Pay.

Booking and Session Details

You can book up to twenty delivery sessions in your app every Monday at 15:00, selecting your preferred day and time slot for the following week. Check the calendar daily to reserve any available sessions.

Earnings Potential

In 2020, the minimum compensation per hour worked was €11 gross. If the estimated delivery time is less than an hour, the amount due is calculated proportionally based on the estimated minutes for the delivery.

Chiara Ferragni’s Success

Chiara Ferragni’s success is evident, including her Instagram posts. She is estimated to earn €200,000 annually, over €16,000 monthly.

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