What is a life note?

Parody of Death Note

Life Note is a parody of Death Note, a popular series about a young man who finds a mysterious notebook that kills any person whose name he writes into the notebook. The man eventually uses it to purge the world of "criminals".

Why Does L Eat Candy?

Because L is addicted to sugar and he needs to find some reason to rationalize his habit.

Death Note’s Inspiration

In 2006, dedicated Japanese fans discovered a one-shot story called The Miraculous Notebook by Shigeru Mizuki, which some claimed was the inspiration for Death Note. However, recent archaeological evidence suggests that "Death Note" may have existed in ancient China long before the birth of Japanese comics.

Shinigami Eyes

Shinigami Eyes (死神の目, shinigami no me), also known as Shinigami Eyeballs or Eyes of the Shinigami, are eyes that can see both the names and lifespans of humans floating above their heads.

Can L and Light Be Friends?

When he told Light that Light was his first friend, it was a lie. L could never have a friend, as he found humans to be a very cunning species.” So the author has confirmed that L never thought of Light as a friend.

Light as a Death God

In short answer, yes he does. At the beginning of Death Note, Ryuk tells Light that he will go to neither Heaven nor Hell, but that doesn’t mean he wont go to the afterlife at all.

Intelligence Comparison – L vs. Light

L Lawliet is smarter than Light Yagami, in fact, he’s the smartest character in Death Note. L’s IQ may be lower than Light’s but his deduction skills, planning and eye for detail far surpass Kira’s.

Becoming Smart Like Light Yagami

Try to improve your vocabulary, always do your homework, and study so you get good grades. Make studying a priority over being social. Challenge yourself in school. Light is the sort of person that would only take the top classes his school had to offer.

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