What is another word for every single day?

Synonyms for "Every Single Day"

  • each day
  • every day
  • daily
  • diurnally
  • day by day
  • per diem
  • once a day
  • seven days a week
  • day after day
  • a day at a time

How to Use "Every Single"

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:

  • Definition: used to emphasize that you are talking about every person or thing

Meaning of "Single Day"

  • Singles’ Day is a holiday celebrated by unmarried people in China on November 11. The idea originated at China’s Nanjing University back in 1993 as a sort of anti-Valentine’s Day. Singles’ Day has since spread to various other parts of the globe.

Common Mistake: "Everyday" vs "Every Day"

  • A common mistake in English is the correct use of the words everyday and every day. The word everyday (one word) and phrase every day (two words) are not interchangeable.

Interpretation of "Every Day’s a School Day"

  • ‘Every day is a school day’ means that you learn something new every day. Investing in learning doesn’t need to cost a fortune.

Difference Between "Everything" and "Every Thing"

  • ‘every thing’ refers to things as individual things or units, while ‘everything’ refers to all things as a collective unit.

"Everywhere" vs "Every Where"

Definition of everywhere:

  • in or to every place or part
  • every place : all places

Understanding "Each" in Comparison to "Every"

  • We use each to refer to individual things in a group or a list of two or more things.

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