What is Sharon Stone’s IQ?

Famous Individuals and IQ

Actress Sharon Stone and Conan O’Brien’s High IQ

  • Sharon Stone: IQ of 154, started college at 16.
  • Conan O’Brien: IQ reportedly 160, on par with Einstein and Hawking.
  • "Devil Wears Prada" star: Impressive IQ.

Signs of High IQ

Subtle Signs of High IQ

  • Took music lessons.
  • Being the oldest.
  • Being thin.
  • Owning a cat.
  • Breastfed.
  • Used recreational drugs.
  • Left-handed.
  • Tall.

Average IQ by Age

Average IQ by Age Group

  • 16-17 years: Average IQ of 108.
  • 18-19 years: Average IQ of 105.

Chess World

  • What is a Super Grandmaster?

    • Super-grandmasters have ratings over 2,700.
  • Chess History

    • Invented in India around the 8th century.
  • Current #1 Chess Player

    • GM Magnus Carlsen with a rating of 2865.

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