What is Thor weakness?

Thor’s Weakness and Strength

Originally Answered: What’s Thor’s kryptonite? The only known weakness for Thor is a frenzy he enters into called Warriors Madness. It is a malady banned by Odin himself and gives the Thor great strength and power while making him mentally unstable and eventually driving him insane.

Steve Rogers’ Relationships

did steve kiss his granddaughter? He DIDN’T kiss his granddaughter. That would make Sharon Carter Peggy’s granddaughter as well, which she is not. Sharon is Peggy’s great-niece, meaning that, in the timeline where Cap marries Peggy, Sharon is his great-niece as well. La gente chiede anche:

Superheroes Comparison

Captain America is stronger than the Winter Soldier. Cap has the Super Soldier and Bucky just has a recreation of it. No recreation has ever been as good as the original, even if Hydra created it. So, Captain has more power than Bucky.

Spiderman is significantly stronger than Captain America. Spiderman strength is said to be able to lift around 10tons, but has regularly lifted or performs feats that suggest he is a lot stronger.

They would be equal or pretty close to it physically. Strength, reflexes, agility all pretty much the same. But at least in the MCU Killmonger is a better fighter and tactician than T’challa. That is shown when he beats him relatively easily when they are fighting as equals without the heart shaped herb.

Thor’s power level remains well above Captain America’s and is boosted by the arrival of his newest weapon, Stormbreaker. Now able to channel the Bifrost and teleport throughout the cosmos, Thor remains far more powerful than Captain America, despite his initial worries back in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

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