What SATA mode should I use for SSD?

Setting up SATA Mode for SSD/HDD

You can set up the mode to benefit from the SATA interface if you are using a SATA SSD or HDD.

Troubleshooting Boot Medium Reading Error

What is the cause of this errore "Could not read from the boot medium"? This problem has two main causes.

  1. Mounting Physical Hard Drives in VirtualBox
    To access physical hard drives in VirtualBox, follow these steps:

    • Open the VirtualBox GUI.
    • Select the desired virtual machine.
    • Click on "Settings."
    • Navigate to "Storage."
    • Click on "Add Hard Disk."
    • Choose the current drive and select the VMDK file created.

Installing a Drive in VirtualBox

To install a drive in VirtualBox, go to:

  • Show Mount Virtual Drive On Oracle VirtualBox in contenuti.
  • Visit the settings.
  • Choose the virtual box housing.
  • Choose the Virtual disk currently in use.
  • To mount it, select Virtual Drive.

Running Windows 10 in VirtualBox

Is it possible to start Windows 10 in VirtualBox?

  1. Compatibility with Windows 10
    Since VirtualBox works on Windows, Mac, and Linux, you can install Windows 10 on almost any platform.

Best Virtual Machines for Windows 10

The best virtualization software for Windows 10 includes:

  • Virtualbox
  • VMware Workstation Player and Workstation Pro
  • VMware ESXi Hyper-V by Microsoft
  • VMware Fusion Player and VMware Fusion Pro.

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