What was considered a cause of the Challenger disaster resulting in the death of the entire crew quizlet?

Navigating Space Tragedies in History

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Space Shuttle Tragedies Overview

Today, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced that it had completed the operations to retrieve the wreckage of the crew compartment of the space shuttle from the ocean floor and that the remains of each of the seven Challenger astronauts had been recovered. 20 maggio 1986

A NASA engineer, who has spoken with the BBC, said that in theory the unfortunate crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia could have been saved. When their space shuttle attempted to return to Earth’s atmosphere, the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon and six other members of the crew lost their lives.

In four different incidents, eighteen people have died while in orbit or during the preparation of a mission in orbit. This number is surprisingly low considering the risks involved in space flight. Four cosmonauts from the Soviet Union died during spaceflight.

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