What’s the difference between a brand name and a trademark?

Brand Name vs Trademarks

The brand name is simply how the business chooses to be identified. Trademarks, also called service marks, are marks that carry legal weight in terms of representing a brand, often a business and its goods and services.

Can I Trademark a Name Already in Use?

If you’re wondering, "can you trademark something that already exists," the simple answer is "no." Generally speaking, if somebody has used a trademark before you, you can’t register the trademark for yourself.

Protecting Domain Names

Can someone trademark my website name? Domain names can be registered as trademarks. They are subject to the same rules and standards as all other types of trademarks.

Steps to Protect Your Domain Name

Consider these eight steps for protecting your digital property:

  1. Pay attention to the administrative details.
  2. Ensure communications with your domain name registrar.
  3. Lock the transfer of your domain.
  4. Monitor expiration dates.
  5. Register your domain name as a trademark.
  6. Implement extensible provisioning protocol.

Checking if a Name is Trademarked

Steps to Check for a Trademark:

  1. Log in to the official website of trademark registration in India: https://ipindiaonline.gov.in.
  2. Click on the trademarks tab and then click on public search.
  3. There are 3 search criteria available – Wordmark, Vienna code, and Phonetic.

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