When did Diane Kiss King?

Diane and King’s Relationship in "The Seven Deadly Sins"

Diane finally recalls her childhood and everything about her and King. Diane thanks King for his loyalty and kisses him. But episode 7 could include a scene from the manga where King passes out after Diane’s kiss.

Gowther’s Role in Restoring Diane’s Memories

In Season 4, King and Diane encounter Gowther who restores Diane’s memories.

King and Diane’s Relationship Progression and Memories

When Diane’s memories return, she and King become a couple. During the final battle against the Demon King, King proposes to Diane, and she happily accepts.

The Concept of Sin in Christianity

  • Is Being Lazy a Sin?
    It appears that God and Christ hate laziness, so it’s considered a sin.

  • Keeping Secrets and Lying
    Keeping secrets is not considered a sin, while lying is generally considered a sin in Christianity.

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