Where do we use how much?

How Much? (Price)

  • How much can also be used when we want to know the PRICE of something. In this case, we can use How much with countable nouns (both singular and plural nouns).
  • How much is that painting?

Is 5 a Few or Several?

  • A couple is generally around two, a few is more than that, but usually less than five, and several is around five or more, a number that can be severed into smaller groups.

Can We Say Much Water?

  • There is no such distinction for “a lot of” and “lots of”, which can be used with both, i.e. both “a lot of/lots of people” and “a lot of/lots of water” are correct.

Is Many a Man Singular?

  • Definition of many a/an —used with a singular noun to refer to a large number of things or people I’ve been there many a time. Many a tale was told. Many a man has tried but few men have succeeded.

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