Which planet has a life?

New Planets Discovered in 2021

  • List of exoplanets discovered in 2021

    Name Mass (M J) Remarks
    TOI-1478 b 0.847 + 0.052 − 0.048
    TOI-1601 b 0.99 ±0.11
    OGLE-2019-BLG-0960Lb 0.0071 ±0.0027
    HD 110113 b 0.0143 ±0.0020

TOI 700 d – A Near-Earth-Sized Exoplanet

TOI 700 d is a near-Earth-sized exoplanet, likely rocky, orbiting within the habitable zone of the red dwarf TOI 700, the outermost planet within the system. It is located roughly 101.4 light-years (31.1 pc) away from Earth in the constellation of Dorado.

  • Discovery Temperature Teq: 268.8 K (−4.3 °C; 24.2 °F)

The Sandbox Metaverse

"The Sandbox Metaverse is made up of LANDS, that are parts of the world, owned by players to create and monetize experiences. There will only ever be 166,464 LANDS available, which can be used to host games, build multiplayer experiences, create housing, or offer social experiences to the community."

Atlas Reality and Land Claiming

“In 2020, Atlas Reality launched its debut location-based game, Atlas: Empires, which has recorded nearly 500,000 global downloads,” said Sami Khan, Co-Founder and CEO at Atlas Reality.

How to Claim Land in Atlas

Claiming and Contesting Place your Claim Flag on an island, or on an enemy ship. If the island is already claimed by someone else, place it within the radius of an already existing Claim Flag to contest it. Place the Claim Flag when it glows green. If it is red you will contest another claimed area.

Cost of Land in Decentraland

According to DappRadar, punters will have to stump up more than $3.5m to buy the most expensive piece of virtual land in the Decentraland blockchain game. The most expensive site in the blockchain game Decentraland at the moment costs a whopping $3.5m in the MANA altcoin.

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