Who does Walker become Marvel?

Is Loki a Female?

In the comics, Loki is reborn as a woman, known simply as Lady Loki, after the events of Ragnarok in Asgard.

How Does Loki Survive Thanos?

Loki Episode 5 reveals that Grant’s Classic Loki actually managed to survive his predetermined death at the hands of Thanos.

Did John Walker Break Bucky’s Arm?

In the latest episode of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, "Truth," the energy surge also caused Bucky’s arm to malfunction, spasming out of his control.

Why Was Captain America Put on Ice?

During a mission, Captain America accidentally inhaled top secret HYDRA nerve gas that put him in suspended animation for seventy years.

How Did Captain America Wake Up 70 Years Later?

The super-soldier serum and the cold environment allowed Captain America to enter a state of suspended animation, keeping him alive for seventy years.

What is Thor’s Power?

Thor possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, and immunity to most diseases. His greatest weapon is Mjolnir, an enchanted hammer with power over storms and energy blasts.

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