Who is God’s wife?

Beliefs on Asherah

Asherah God had a wife, Asherah, whom the Book of Kings suggests was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel, according to an Oxford scholar.

Views on Incarnation

Do Muslims believe in the Incarnation? Islam completely rejects the doctrine of the incarnation (Mu’jassimā / (Tajseem) Tajsīm) of God in any form, as the concept is defined as shirk. What’s the difference between reincarnation and incarnation? The difference between Incarnation and Reincarnation is that Incarnation is an act of God becoming flesh in Jesus Christ. Reincarnation is a belief that upon death, your soul will return to another body. Incarnation is when God is “born into flesh” or becomes human in the person of Jesus Christ. What is the incarnate word of God? At the Annunciation, an angel sent by God brought the message to Mary that God was asking her to be the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God. When Mary accepted God’s offer, the Word (God) became one of us. God became "incarnate," with a body like ours; hence the name Incarnate Word.

Baptist Beliefs

Do Baptist believe in speaking in tongues? For Southern Baptists, the practice, also known as glossolalia, ended after the death of Jesus’ apostles. The ban on speaking in tongues became a way to distinguish the denomination from others.

Views on Alcohol

Do assemblies of God drink alcohol? Position statements touch on biblical, theological, and social concerns. Abstinence from alcohol: On the consumption of alcohol, the AG calls on its members and adherents to live life-styles of total abstinence (see Christianity and alcohol).

God’s Spouse

A programme on BBC2 has made news for presenting scholar Francesca Stavrakopoulou’s theory that "God had a wife". The reactions from the religious and academic world were varied, but for Mormons, it can best be summed up as, "Yeah."

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