Who is Kawaki wife?

KawaSara (カワサラ) Relationship

The term KawaSara (カワサラ) refers to the romantic relationship between Kawaki Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha.

Mikō Ōtsutsuki

Mikō Ōtsutsuki (大筒木み子, Ōtsutsuki Mikō) was a member of the main family of the Ōtsutsuki clan. At first, she was with her partner Urashiki Ōtsutsuki and with Momoshiki and Kinshiki Ōtsutsuki on their journey to gather the chakra of the God Tree on Earth.

Bleach Rankings

In Bleach: Classificato dal più debole al più forte, Tenjiro Kirinji è uno dei 25 Shinigami. Aizen sette. Six Ichibe Hyosube Cinco Unohana. quattro Kenpachi. Tre Kyoraku. Secondo Yamamoto. Uno Ichigo.

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