Why are fonts used?

Font Selection and Presentation

Using fonts that are easy to read are key to a presentation. The fonts add value to your text, helping readers to perceive information effectively. The correct choice of color, font, and text size is vital for attracting your target audience.

Canva’s Font Choices

  • Canva’s Logo Font: Canva’s version of the iconic font is Helvetish, used in The Green Freelance Writer Portfolio Website template. It is suitable for creating clean and impactful websites.
  • Fonts in Canva: Some fonts included for free in Canva are League Spartan, Julius Sans One, Archivo Black, Libre Baskerville, Bebas Neue, and more.

Font Pairing Tips

  • Limit the total number of fonts used to avoid complexity.
  • Use decisive contrast when selecting two fonts.
  • Aim for visual diversity when combining multiple fonts.

Font Usage in Social Media

  • TikTok Font: Initially launched with Sans Serif font, TikTok offers various font generators for user customization.
  • Nike Font: Nike uses a variation of the Futura font in its logo and products.
  • Instagram Fonts: Instagram uses San Francisco on iOS and Roboto on Android for Stories overlay text, while Freight Sans is used in the app interface.

Identifying Fonts on Websites

  1. Using Browser Inspector Tool: Press Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows or Linux, then navigate to the Computed tab to find the "font-family" information.

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