Why is D used in C?

Format Specifiers in C Programming Language

%d and %i are format specifiers, where %d indicates the type of the variable as decimal and %i indicates the type as integer. When printing a number using %d or %i, the printf() output function remains unchanged, while scanf changes its behavior.

Common Format Specifiers in printf() Function

  • %p: Prints the address in hexadecimal.
  • %c: Used to print the unsigned character.
  • %s: Prints the strings.
  • %ld: Prints the long-signed integer value.

Differences Between %f and %lf

What are the differences between %f and %lf? A float, single-precision floating-point type, has the format string %f. A double, double-precision floating-point type, uses the format string %lf. 

Printing Doubles in printf

For a double, "%f" is the correct format. A float doesn't have a specific format; if passed to printf, it will be promoted to double before printf can take it.

Python and Increment/Decrement

Why doesn't Python have ++? Because integers are immutable in Python (+='s int returns another object). Additionally, writing x+=1 requires only one more keystroke, avoiding confusion between pre- and post-increment/decrement.

Creating Arrays in Python

To create an array in Python, import the array module. Using Array(data type, value list) creates an array with the specified data type and values.

While Loops in Python

A Python while loop repeats a code block as long as a boolean condition remains true. The syntax for while loops in Python is "while."

Semicolon in Python

In Python, a semicolon is used to write multiple statements on the same line for separation rather than termination. If a semicolon is placed at the end of a single statement, it is treated as two statements, the second being blank.

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