Why is Lester crippled?


Lester suffers from a wasting disease which has gradually worn down his motor skills during his life and left him wheelchair-bound, though he is able to walk short distances with the use of a cane. Due to his limited mobility, Lester has grown considerably overweight, and he also suffers from asthma.


Franklin has been described as "fit" and "fashion conscious". He is 6′ 0"" (1.83 m) in height.

Trevor’s Investigation

Trevor finds out the truth when he goes to dig up Michael’s grave in Ludendorff. After a huge argument with him, Trevor wanted to confirm his suspicions. He is proven correct when he finds Brad’s corpse.

Michael’s Grave

Michael is buried next to his mother, Lesley, and his sister Melanie, who passed away at age 59 on, three years to the day after the Grammy winner died.

Trevor’s Discovery

Trevor arrives at the Airfield and boards the plane to fly to North Yankton. While en-route, he receives a text message from Ron, warning him that Wei Cheng’s men are looking for him. Trevor arrives first at the graveyard, finds "Michael’s" grave, and starts digging it up.

Michael’s Age

Michael De Santa Age 39 (2004), 48 (2013), 56 (2021) Born Death (optionaly) Status Alive

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