Why is Wally West white?

White Lightning and its Generators

  • White lightning is generated by the self-proclaimed "god of speed" Savitar, who is actually a time remnant of Barry Allen. It is a result of his lightning reflecting through his armor when he runs while wearing it. It is also generated by August Heart after using a combination of tachyons and Velocity-9.

The Reverse-Flash

  • With every step the Flash takes toward the future, someone from the future is racing backward through time to stop him—the villainous speedster known as the Reverse-Flash. Born in the 25th Century, Eobard Thawne grew up idolizing the Flash and studying the legacy of the Scarlet Speedster.

Zoom’s Origin and Actions

  • A citizen of Earth-2, Hunter Zolomon grew up to become a serial killer after he witnessed his father murdering his mother. When he was sent to an asylum to be cured of his insanity, he was struck by the S.T.A.R. Zolomon fled the asylum and soon became the supervillain Zoom who was feared throughout all of Central City.

The Black Flash’s Pursuit

  • The Black Flash is attempting to catch and kill Eobard Thawne because he qualifies for all of the above, but primarily because he is outrunning a temporal paradox.

Identity of the Masked Man in Flash Earth-2

  • In a previous episode, Henry revealed to Barry that "Garrick" is a family name on his (Henry’s) mother’s side. So a lot of fans are expecting or hoping that the Earth-2 Jay, when the real Jay is revealed, it will be Shipp, whose Earth-1 version of Henry Allen was killed at the end of last week’s episode.

Speed Comparison: Eobard Thawne vs Hunter Zolomon

  • This has a clear cut implication that Reverse Flash is faster than Zoom. Now the point of the answer is that some versions of Reverse Flash(Eobard Thawne) are faster than Zoom(Hunter Zolomon). And some versions of Zoom are faster than Reverse Flash.

Time Wraiths: Enforcers of the Speed Force

  • Time Wraiths are, according to Eobard Thawne and Hunter Zolomon, a race of wraith-like beings who are the enforcers of the Speed Force. Since they are enforcers of this energy, they are intimately connected with (and likely live in) the Speed Force.

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