What was Hitler’s favorite dog?

German Shepherds

German shepherds are Adolf Hitler’s favorite dogs because they are obedient and have a genetic similarity to wolves.

Hitler’s Train Carriage

The carriage, built in 1930, was taken out of operation in 1990. It will be refurbished and moved to the German steam train museum in Neuenmarkt.

Hitler’s Close Friends

August ("Gustl") Friedrich Kubizek was a close friend of Adolf Hitler in their youth.

Hitler’s High-Ranking General

Erich von Manstein served in various capacities from 1906 to 1956, reaching the rank of Generalfeldmarschall.

Eye Colors

The rarest eye colors ranked are:

  1. Brown 55%–79%
  2. Blue 8%–10%
  3. Hazel 5%
  4. Amber 5%

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