What is n in printf?

Print and Read Operations in C

In C programming language, the function putchar() can write a character to the standard output/screen. A character can be retrieved from the keyboard with the function getchar().

Handling Input in C

The method getch() pauses console output until a key is pressed. It immediately returns the entered character without buffering. Secure inputs like passwords and ATM pin numbers can be accepted using getch().

Difference Between Structure and Union

In a structure, each component occupies a distinct memory space. In a union, all members share the same memory space. This fundamental distinction defines the difference between union and structure.

Control Flow with ‘continue’ Statement

The continue statement transfers control to the next iteration of the closest enclosing loop (do, for, or while). It skips any remaining statements in the loop body. After executing continue;, the while loop’s condition is promptly evaluated.

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